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  • Christian Hawkey is the author of Petitions for an Alien Relative (a chapbook, hand held editions, 2010), Ventrakl (Ugly Duckling Presse, 2010), Citizen Of (Wave Books, 2007), Hour, Hour, a chapbook which includes drawings by the artist Ryan Mrowzowski (Delirium Press, 2006), and The Book of Funnels (Verse Press, 2004), winner of the 2006 Kate Tufts Discovery Award. In 2006 he was given a Creative Capital Innovative Literature Award and he has also received awards from the Poetry Fund and the Academy of American Poets. He teaches at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, New York.

  • Reviews

    Within a limited set of parameters, with a limited way of defining this and at the risk of courting hyperbole I want to tell you that Christian Hawkey is a superhero. Christian Hawkey can do things in poems that normal humans can not do.
    Mathias Svalina, Octopus Magazine

    His language is bright and fierce and playful, and his poetry seems to whisper loudly into your face, to pluck at your ribs, to move you into a huge people-sized aquarium and, once you’re acquainted with your fellow inhabitants, to fill with breathable green water through which you will see and feel everything from now on.
    Joshua Marie Wilkinson, Cranky

    Reviews of books by Christian Hawkey

    Citizen Of

    The Book of Funnels

  • Interviews
    - Kate Greenstreet’s Kicking Wind
    - With Don Mee Choi, BOMB
    - Notnostrums

  • Audio
    - Reading at Zeke’s Gallery in Montreal

    - Reading for CAConrad's video series Jupiter 88

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