Ana Božičević grew up in Zadar, Croatia before coming to Brooklyn, New York. Ana is a poet, translator, teacher, and occasional singer. She is the author of New Life (Wave Books, 2023), Povratak lišća / Return of the Leaves, Selected Poems in Croatian (Hrvatsko Društvo Pisaca/Croatian Writers Society, 2020); Joy of Missing Out (Birds, LLC, 2017); the Lambda Award-winning Rise in the Fall (Birds, LLC, 2013), and Stars of the Night Commute (Tarpaulin Sky Press, 2009). You can find more of her work at www.anabozicevic.com.
Photo credit: Jarrett Earnest -
Check back for more reviews soon! -
- “Person” (in Washington Square Review)
- ”Zagreb, ‘93” and ”Byron” (in 128 Lit)
- “Everyday People” (in Jewish Currents)
- “I Put” (in Bedfellows Magazine)
- Three poems (in Recluse)
- Three poems (in The Green Mountains Review)
- “Sometimes” (on Poetry Daily)
- “I Stood Outside” (on Poetry Daily)
- “Soft Poem” and "Moonring" (in Iterant)
- “Psychomagic” (at canwehaveyourballback)
- “The Wind” (in Pouch)
- Three poems (in blush)
- "Happy Ending" (in Prelude)
- Four poems (in the Brooklyn Rail)
- Three Poems (in Equalizer)
- Three poems (in the New York Tyrant)
- Two Poems (in Foundry)
- Two poems (in the Believer)
- "5-1 on Light" (in Big Lucks)
- "Who's That" (on PoetryNow)
- Lambda Literary, with Michael Valinsky -
Listen to Ana Božičević read "Birthday" from New Life
Ana Božičević reading for jubilat:
Listen to Ana Božičević reading "Who's That" for PRX for Poetry Now