John Beer is the author of The Waste Land and Other Poems (Canarium, 2010), which won the Norma Farber First Book Award from the Poetry Society of America. A graduate of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, he lived on the Greek island of Patmos for two years in the late 1990s, where he served as literary assistant to Robert Lax. He currently teaches creative writing at Portland State University; previously, he reviewed theater for Time Out Chicago. He edited a collection of poems by Robert Lax, Poems (1962-1997) (Wave Books, 2013).
Only a genius could write The Waste Land and Other Poems; well, John Beer is that person.
John Ashbery
Beer’s forms are not quite new, but there is nothing quite like them: in their integration of parody with serious homage (to Eliot, Spicer, Rilke, Frank O’Hara, Karl Marx), of ambition with self-cancellation, they are the most careful and some of the best of the project-oriented, anti-lyrical work young poets now do.
Stephen Burt, Boston Globe
John Beer’s language fuels a successful momentum. These are poems of energy and gesticulation, of allusion and words thick on the tongue.
John Whalen, Colorado Review
Reviews of books edited by John Beer
Poems (1962-1997)
- “Selfie in a Pixelated Mirror” (in PEN Poetry Series)
- “J. Beer 1969-1969” (in Poetry)
- Two poems (in Jacket)
- The Knox Writers' House
- Reading for Machine Project's Mystery Theater Poetry Archives: